Where computer networking is the process of linking up computers for a fast and easy exchange of information between workers, network management is the way to keep this system going. Network management covers all procedures and tools that allow people in a working environment to perform operationally, administration, maintenance, and resource provision tasks in an efficient manner. In simple terms, the process involves setting up a computer network, troubleshooting it during technical difficulties, implementing security measures and ensuring that everything is working properly. For network management to be effective it must have the following features; Network Management
A network management system must be easy to control and customize according to the needs of the user.
It runs with a reliable baseline for generating accurate reports of abnormal events.
It should issue alerts during technical problems, and provide the necessary tools for fixing them. Network Help
It allows for online capabilities, such as the installation of Google apps and other tools that are valuable to the business user.
Network management offers the following benefits to a firm;
It pulls data coming from the network regarding health and configuration. This will assure accurate analysis because there will get accurate data straight from the configurations and changes.
It can make the overall network performance monitoring as automated as possible which will make every procedure easier. And regardless of being automated, it will still come up with accurate data that will result in accurate analysis. Network Support
Network management software gives data about the possible problems that may be happening in the network. If it sees any issue in the network, it will make reports, so the company will be aware of this issue which enables the company to make the right decisions about it. Network Installation
The best network management will help you monitor, control, deploy, allocate, and coordinate all data going back and forth between different systems in a network. The Internet is a very crucial tool for businesses because of how it can help them communicate with others. Network maintenance